Previewing The Path To 600

In a span of 14 years and 10 months, the movie evaluation project that has officially been named Two Thous-Ton reached its quarter mark, as (500) Days Of Summer fittingly became the 500th completed movie evaluation on December 20, 2020.

The road to 500 took a while, due mostly to what number the allotted amount of spots was going to be in the project. But of course, that figure (2,000) was officially settled on April 14, 2020, following both the successful assessment of Wish Man and the pipeline of subsequent assessments/re-assessments that potentially could have caused an overage against the project’s then-allotted amount, which was 1,200. And of course, that potential led to a whole lot of production, as 237 more successful assessments/re-assessments all justified the expansion. And of course, there will likely be more to come, thus further justifying the expansion.

Of course, it remains to be seen when the halfway mark (1,000) will be reached, as there are only 460 movies currently in the Evaluation Pool. And if all 460 movies are the next 460 evaluations without any addition in sight for both the foreseeable and somewhat distance future, then the question of when the halfway mark will be reached will remain.

But a mark that will be achieved in the foreseeable future and possibly quicker than the 500 mark is the 600 mark, with that pursuit kicking off tomorrow night with the evaluation of Queen Of Katwe, as that movie has proven to be one that can be a good complimentary movie to the aforementioned (500) Days Of Summer. 

Of course, not every movie to get from 500 to 600 has been confirmed, as there are 459 others to choose from. But what can be confirmed are some more thematic selections in addition to Queen Of Katwe as 501 to kick off the path to 600. And as to what they are, well you can see them via the bullet points below:

  • In something that hasn’t been done before in Two Thous-Ton Project history, an evaluation number will be determined upon the birthdate of a celebrity, with 502 being such a number. And as to which celebrity will have a movie of his/hers be evaluation number 502, well it will be Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, as his birthday is May 2. And as to what evaluation number 502 will be, well it’s going to be Race To Witch Mountain,  as A) It’s still too early for his other unranked movies to be evaluated and B) Lady And The Tramp will be watched for fun and Race Mountain To Witch Mountain works in tandem with it
  • Celebrities have had Two Thous-Ton evaluations done on their birthdays, with such a thing happening posthumously for the late Chadwick Boseman on November 29, 2020 with the movie 42. The same almost happened for Anna Kendrick, as the evaluation of Pitch Perfect was originally scheduled for her most recent birthday, which was August 9, 2020. However, that evaluation (since completed) was moved up by five days. It’s also one of her eight movies in the rankings and she has plenty more to be evaluated. And with that being said, what will be number nine? The answer is the second installment of the movie that was supposed to happen on her most recent birthday, with that second installment being Pitch Perfect 2. However, it’s still unknown what evaluation number that that movie will be
  • Both Pitch Perfect 2 and Pitch Perfect 3 are currently on wait, due to what movie(s) are perfect to be evaluated before them. But after having available technology for the Blu-ray disc evaluation of The Boss, it has been swapped with Apollo 13 as the movie to be evaluated before the second Pitch Perfect installment. Originally, The Boss was intended to be evaluated before The Roommate during the path to 700. But given both the want of getting Blu-ray disc movie evaluations moving along and the fact that are a myriad of movies (Apollo 13 included) to choose from as the movie that will be evaluated before The Roommate, The Boss gets the nod before Pitch Perfect 2. However, The Boss’ evaluation number is also unknown right now
  • All the runs of getting back to 300, 400, 440 and beyond have been absolutely epic. And given how fast yet memorable that the path to 600 will be, it’s only fitting to complete it with the movie Epic

Well, that’s some of the gist of what’s to come via the path to 600. And while 82 of the next 100 are yet to determined, I’ll be sure to inform you all about what they all will be via the Upcoming Two Thous-Ton Evaluations widget.

This almost 15-year run to get to the quarter mark has been memorable throughout and I aim to have the path to 600 be that way as well. 

Tune in from December 23, 2020 to about early/mid March 2021 to see how the next dominoes fall.