Post-Revvin’ For 2,047!: Part 6

Back in part 5 of Post-Revvin’ For 2,047!, I did say tune in on Tuesday to find out which 15 movies got selected for the Hedgehog 15 page. But given that A) I’m ahead of schedule with blogging and B) I only had 15 spots to fill, I was able to write this entry two days early. So, with that being said, you can find out which 15 got amassed for that page so quickly via the chart below:

MovieHow it got an overall guaranteed Flickuum spot
Silent NightThis movie is an adrenaline-fueled adventure movie that is perfect for leading an evaluation line-up.
The Last RideThis movie features/featured veteran actors in Will Patton, the late Fred Ward and the late Dennis Hopper. But the one who puts it over the top is an actress, by the name of Nadine Velazquez.
Boy Kills WorldThis movie is the perfect bonkers action movie, it features Jessica Rothe and it can work well in an evaluation line-up with both “Sister” and “Moving McAllister”.
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole ChristmasThis movie can form a good one-two tandem with “The Last Ride”.
GirlfightThis movie is perfect to follow anything that has either Melissa Barrera or Tiffani-Amber Thiessen. Plus, it gives Jamie Tirelli a substantial role.
Somewhere In QueensIn terms of live-action movies featuring Ray Romano, this is his best one. Plus, it can be a jump-starter for The Flickuum Project.
Penguins Of MadagascarIt can be perfect in tandem with “Horizon Line”
ChampionsUnlike the mean-spirited Johnny Knoxville movie “The Ringer”, this movie is good-hearted, from the standpoint of Special Olympics-themed movies. 
Force Of NatureThis movie takes on Mel Gibson’s vibe perfectly and can actually be perfect before a viewing of his best movie, which is “Lethal Weapon 4”.
A Christmas Story ChristmasErinn Hayes deserves a movie in The Project. Plus, the thought of one of her movies going up against one of Nadine Velazquez’s movies in the March Madness style format is an intriguing one.
Godzilla Minus OneThis movie can lead an evaluation line-up and/or pair up perfectly with “Joy Ride”.
Astro BoyThis movie got pardoned, thanks to “Mars Needs Moms”. 
Team America: World PoliceThis movie can work well in tandem with “The Blackening”.
The Art Of Self-DefenseThis movie is the dark comedy version of “John Wick”, and expands upon one of that movie’s components in a subtly brilliant way.
The Disaster ArtistThe entire point of this movie was to have it compete against “Ed Wood” in The Project.

Well, two fifths of selecting movies for Tier 5 of the Land Of Infusion page are in the books, and the 15 movies in the chart above will expand upon the intrigue of March Madness style competition. But unlike the skilled seven movies that got to graduate to Tier 5 right away, the 15 movies here have to wait until next Sunday for that honor. 

Tune in on Tuesday to find out which movies will be the first 25 of the Eastern Bluebird 53 page.