What If I Do One Last Flickuum Purge? 

For nearly four weeks, I’ve been revamping the 2,100 overall guaranteed Flickuum spots, as certain movies have proven to be unworthy of Flickuum lore for a myriad of reasons. So, with that being said, today is a final four of sorts, as in the final four of movies being purged from those 2,100. And of course, you can find out which movies are in this unfortunate final four via the chart below:

MovieReason(s) for it being purged
What IfI don’t like the dynamic between Wallace and Chantry, the way those two characters maneuver around the city (assumed to be New York) with Dalia and Ben is cringe, Zoe Kazan lacks the “wow” factor as an actress, the way Dalia cheers during the climax of this movie is also cringe and the litany of gross/creepy things in this movie further cements its unworthiness.
EternalsIkaris is one of the weakest villains in the MCU and this movie is a letdown for Angelina Jolie, following the pleasant surprise of “Those Who Wish Me Dead”.
Catch .44Bruce Willis plays an unconvincing main antagonist, and the trio of Malin Akerman, Nikki Reed and Deborah Ann Wall is even more unconvincing as wannabe Charlie’s Angels.
NighthawksIn retrospect, this movie is forgettable Flickuum filler just like the 1987 movie “The Principal”. Plus, “Cobra” is way cooler as Sylvester Stallone’s chronologically first Flickuum movie.

Alright, so now that that final purge has commenced, four movies now have to move up to Tier 4, along with three other movies having to move up to Tier 5, so that the 2,100 can remain intact. And with all of that being said, the Tier 4 part is the easy one, as “Saving Flora”, “The Marvels” and “A Good Day To Die Hard” have all been chosen to move up from Tier 5 to Tier 4, followed by “Fall” being expedited from Tier 7 to Tier 4, thus leaving 2,097 of those 2,100 spots filled. And of course, the expediting of three movies from Tier 7 to Tier 5 was the next step. However, that step soon became easy, as I decided to expedite “Benji ‘74”, “Air” and “Welcome Home, Roscoe Jenkins” to maintain the full 2,100 capacity. 

Yes, 26 overall guaranteed Flickuum movies have been purged out of The Project, thus the count is now 20 for open spots in rounding out overall guaranteed Flickuum spots 2,101 through 2,177. However, only four movies can be added to the current movie assessment/re-assessment roster, as A] Mowgli: Legend Of The Jungle is a hard confirmation away from being in both Tier 7 and Tier 11, B] 13 Tier 8 movies are expected to pass their assessments/re-assessments and C] Two Tier 10 movies are also expected to pass their assessments. So, given all of that, the question becomes “Which four movies will be assessed/re-assessed for those four spots?”.

Well, for one, “Say Anything” is just as iconic of a 1980s movie as “The Breakfast Club”, so that’s one. Two, Mia Maestro needs a Flickuum movie and her best shot at that is “In The Time Of The Butterflies”, a movie that was originally going to be a possible fallback option for one of the 13 Tier 8 movies. Three, Jackie Chan is the master of having jump-starter type movies, thus “Rumble In The Bronx” will get its long-awaited full-on assessment. And finally four, I find myself enjoying Asian-themed movies, such “Crazy Rich Asians”, “Go Back To China” and “Joy Ride”, thus I have decided to add “The Farewell” to this roster of potential Flickuum movies.

Yes, mental gymnastics has been done yet again for The Flickuum Project. But this time, all the second-guessing is out of my system, thus I can now round out 2,177 total Flickuum spots and without having to over think it any longer. 

Blog to you all again on Monday.