The Path To 600 (The Near Halfway Progress Report)

At the end of Previewing The Path To 600, I did say tune in from December 23, 2020 to early/mid March of 2021 (this year) to see how the next dominoes would fall in the Two Thous-Ton Project. And while some of the post-500 dominoes (46 to be exact) have fallen, I’ve drastically slowed down in having more of those dominoes fall, due to both the backlog of how many movies that I had up for assessment/reassessment still remaining and the fact that I was enduring a relocation process that has since been completed. But despite the latter of those two things being completed, I’m still backlogged with countless movies to assess/re-assess, but in hopes that they too can be future dominoes in this Two Thous-Ton Project.

Of course, the number of movies that I have up for assessment/re-assessment is a much smaller amount than what I have assessed/re-assessed between the date of my last movie evaluation (February 25, 2021) and now, as I’ve assessed/re-assessed 294 movies during this current span. And of those 294 completed assessments/re-assessments, 120 of them are officially among the remaining dominoes that will eventually fall in the Project. And given the near five months of wanting to clear all of those movies from my assess/re-assess list, it’s no wonder why I haven’t done a movie evaluation since. But given how I have nowhere near 294 movies remaining on that list, I’m pretty confident that I’ll be closer to getting another movie evaluation done. 

Well, that’s my progress report of the path to 600. It’s a path that I started on pretty fast, only to have a few things cause its current prolonged stoppage. But that current prolonged stoppage was/is my choice, so no shame in that. And of course, getting back on this path will be well worth it.

Check out the Two Thous-Ton page during the late August/early September timeframe, as that’s when I anticipate some more movie evaluations finally being completed. So until then, find out which movies pass their assessments/re-assessments via The Nog.