The Correlation Between Saturday Night Live And Tom Arnold, Part 1

**Note: The following content has adult wording. Discretion is advised

Saturday Night Live skits, whether a subseries or a one-off, are a mixed bag, as A] You’ve got your meh or bad with the episode in which Molly Shannon returned as a guest host and B] You’ve got your good with the classics, such as Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell playing club-hopping brothers. And of course, with that last part being said, that particular skit (which was a subseries by the way) is one of my all-time favorite skits, along with both Wayne’s World and The Ladies Man, so you’re damn right that I’m totally thrilled that those three subseries spawned four movies, one of which (The Ladies Man) is an already enshrined Catch-22 Hundred movie. Plus, given the thrilled feeling that I have, the club-hopping skit movie that eventually became A Night At The Roxbury and both Wayne’s World movies will also be enshrined sometime down the road.

Of course, shows such as Saturday Night Live can only do so much with who can appear in the skits of those three subseries, as time constraints were/are involved. But that’s the beauty of expanding those three aforementioned subseries into movies, as they obviously added three all-time eye candy actresses in Tiffani-Amber Thiessen (The Ladies Man), Eva Mendes (A Night At The Roxbury) and Tia Carrere (both Wayne’s World movies), thus now you all know why I’m further thrilled about those particular movie adaptations. 

Tune in three days from now to the rest of this entry, as what I have to say next won’t fit into the flow.