Steve Reflects: The First Five Years Of The Current Art Infliction Era, Part 1

Five years. That’s how long that it has exactly been since this current Art Infliction era began. And based on this entry, Art Infliction is still standing and with no plans of slowing down anytime soon.

This five-year run has been the best stretch of work that I have put forth up to this point of my life, with both my constant commitment to having coherent writing and preventing run-on sentences being at its absolute best. Plus, my emphasis on time-management has greatly improved, as I consistently meet all the content creating deadlines that I have set for myself.

Yes, those three things in the previous paragraph are things that I learned about myself over these past five years. And while I’m glad that I learned about as such during this particular span, those aren’t the only things that have gotten Art Infliction to this point because in addition, the contributions of 186 other people during this current era, as well as both the September 2014 through 06/24/18 era and the time that predated the previous era, have enabled Art Infliction to become sustainable. In fact, Art Infliction wouldn’t be where it is now without any of those 186 other contributions, whether it’s the person who told me to make the logo smaller than the picture of the Art Infliction homepage cover model or the promotors via Fiverr who ensure that all of our content is viewed.

All 186 of those contributions have provided me with ample help throughout this run of 1,826 completed Art Infliction days. And given that today is both Day 1,827 and the beginning of Year 6, I’ll be calling on some of those 186 teammates of mine to help me build on what we have already amassed.

Let’s keep Art Infliction progressing!