For nearly two years, I thought that it was a surefire bet that a movie (Saved By The Bell: Wedding In Las Vegas) featuring Tiffani-Amber Thiessen would make her the queen of Catch-22 Hundred a.k.a. the project formerly known as Two-Thou Centennial. However, my evaluation of the 2013 movie “Snitch” provided me with an actress, whose filmography warranted a further investigation. And as to who that actress is, well it’s Nadine Velazquez, who played the character “Analisa” in that movie. And my goodness, she’s such a bright spot in anything that she’s done to the point that I’ve done the following:
- Assessed the movies Within, Sueno, Husband For Hire, A Day In The Life and The Last Ride
- Pardoned both War and Ride Along 2 from the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page to re-assess them as her eighth and ninth respective Project movies
- Purchased “Biker Boyz” on DVD from Amazon nearly three weeks ago to make it a Tier 2 movie
Yes, those three bullet points are a result of her sudden rise in the Project. However, the sudden rise could be a “flavor of the month” type thing unless A] She gets a minimum of 10 Project movies and B] One of those 10 estimated movies shows that it has Top 10 potential. And of course, with the previous sentence being said, Point A will either be met by another scouting of her IMDB page or Within being strongly reconsidered for the Project, while Point B has the answer in the movie “The Bounce Back”, a movie in which she’s the female lead and a movie that I enjoyed way more the second time than I did the first time. And given that movie’s potential to better the third time, I can say that the rise of it feels completely organic.
Of course, the battle for queen of Catch-22 Hundred has to be settled between Mrs. Kelly Morris and Catalina Aruca (Velazquez’s character in the show “My Name Is Earl”), thus it’s way too premature to determine that status. But what I can tell you is that Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, via Saved By The Bell: Wedding In Las Vegas, against Nadine Velazquez, via The Bounce Back, adds yet another intriguing battle in a project that is/will be full of them. And not only is it another intriguing battle because in addition, it could be the best Catch-22 Hundred battle of the lot, which is saying something about a project that currently has Babe as the top-ranked movie.
To be determined.