Steve: What age did you first get drawn to art?
Lady Tsuki: Around age 14.
Steve: What Made you want to do art?
Lady Tsuki: It helped me express my emotions and keep me busy through my chronic illness.
Steve: What style of art do you do?
Lady Tsuki: : I write stories and poetry, as well as video editing and character design through digital art (photoshop program).
Steve: Where can people see your art?
Lady Tsuki: My work can be found in both video and graphic art form.
Steve: What do you hope to accomplish?
Lady Tsuki: Just to get my art out there and hopefully make the occasional bit of money via donation, as well as make people happy.
Steve: How to do you hope to inspire others?
Lady Tsuki: I hope to relate to them with my art and poetry, so that they feel they’re not alone or so that my videos etc. cheer them up.