In The Tattoo Spirit

Everyone has an age where they want to get tattoos. Mine was about 12 years old, the same age that my friend Steve Kaycee wanted to get his.

It was at that age where I had met an awesome woman, who was fully sleeved. She showed me all of them and told me the stories.

Roughly seven years later, my best friend and I got tattooed on her birthday. The piece that I had gotten was spirit in Japanese kanji, on my right shoulder.

The experience as far as the pain didn’t hurt at all. However, that wasn’t the case six months later. That would be when I would get my next tattoo.

I’m into anime, with my favorite character coming from the show Inuyasha. I went on to get a tattoo of him and his brother.

The spot for that piece was right under my spirit symbol, on my right shoulder blade and stopping at my spine.

The pain for the anime tattoo was excruciating with a burning feeling, due to my artist stopping halfway through to pick up his girlfriend from work. It took him about 45 minutes to return.

Why I wanted to get tattoos was to express myself and have many designs that I want to tell people stories about me.

However, as a single mother, I’ve had to put the tattoos on hold for more pressing needs, as my kids come first.

But when I have the means to get them again, it will be on like Donkey Kong!