Previously in Tats What’s Up!, I mentioned watching the My Ink video of J.R. Smith’s tattoos and doing so on multiple occasions, as I found watching that video to be an escape from all the bullshit that I was dealing with in both 2014 and 2015. And of course, with that recap being said, I highly recommend that you check out the video if you’re A) A fellow tattoo enthusiast, B) A fan of J.R. Smith, C) A fan of basketball, D) Someone looking for an escape from all the bullshit or E) Any/all of the above.
Of course, I can’t link the video via this entry, whether it’s on the Tats What’s Up! page or the eventually archived version of this entry, due to the ramifications that come via using someone else’s content without their consent. So with that being said, I highly recommend that you go over to YouTube to check out the aforementioned video, which has a running time of four minutes and 54 seconds.
To be continued.