Flickasbord, Volume 23

Ever see a “based on a true story sports movie” about an ordinary guy who got to play in a major professional sports league, albeit for a brief time? I have and although remarkable real-life stories, movies like that feel under-whelming, compared to my all-time favorite sports movie, which is “42”. And of course, with all of that being said, the latest example of a “based on a true story sports movie” that under-whelmed me is the Dennis Quaid movie “The Rookie”, due to A] It not being better than the middling Mark Wahlberg movie “Invincible” and B] Brian Cox playing Dennis Quaid’s father in the movie when both actors are old enough to be each other’s brother in real-life, thus the movie missing me with that point. So, because of those two points, I’ve revoked the fully guaranteed Flickuum status of the 2002 movie, followed by sending it back to the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page. 

The ouster of “The Rookie” left a void in the 2,100 overall guaranteed Flickuum movie group, thus I had to expedite a movie up to either Tier 2 or Tier 3 immediately. And sure enough, I found the perfect movie in the remake of “White Men Can’t Jump”, a movie that galvanized me after seeing two duds in “To Dust” and “The Perfection”. And given the long Nadine Velazquez droughts that will be coming during evaluation time, the Sinqua Walls movie could be a perfect counter to that.

The 2,101 through 2,201 selection protocol finally made some more progress this morning, as the Sydney Sweeney movie “The Voyeurs” lived up to my expectations. And although it’s not hard copy confirmed yet, it’s had the hard copy pending tag applied to it, thus marking it as the fourth movie (Upgraded, Mowgli: Legend Of The Jungle and Love Lies Bleeding are the other three) to gain that status during the month of March. Furthermore, the amount reserved spots in that protocol is now 58 and reaching 79 is the goal, although that number could increase to 81 if both “Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire” and “Monkey Man” get assessed before all foreseeable Tier 8 and Tier 10 assessments/re-assessments are completed.

The foreseeable movie assessment/re-assessment roster gained another movie, in the form of “Endless Love”, due to it possibly doubling down on Fabianne Therese movies for The Project since “Teenage Cocktail” shouldn’t be the “be all, end all” for her within the 2,300, especially since she’s most likely a much more likable character in the former of the two movies. Yes, those movies have the potential to co-exist with each other in The Project, which is something that I can’t say for “Kings Of South Beach” and any of the 13 Nadine Velazquez Flickuum movies.

And finally, “The Last King Of Scotland” squandered a major opportunity in being the ninth movie to land a spot in Tier 11, as James McAvoy was too up and down in his performance, thus slightly loosening up the logjam of movies vying for one of those remaining 24 overall spots. However, a movie, such as “Filly Brown”, “I Give It A Year” or “Road House ‘24” will need to fail assessment, so that one of the five movies in either “Sabotage”, “Bonnie And Clyde”, “Nearing Grace”, “The Post” or “Chocolat” can be assessed/re-assessed without facing an uphill climb.

Alright, now the serious clearing of the current assessment/re-assessment roster begins, as I don’t that hanging over my head on Monday night. So, with that being said, blog to you all again sometime next week.