Definition Be Damned, Part 3

**Note: The following content has adult wording. Discretion is advised

The annoyance that is USPS tracking not updating is rearing its head again, as the shipping progress of my order for the movie “The Holdovers” hasn’t updated since this past Saturday, thus causing me to doubt the package being here in time for my marathon of eight movie assessments/re-assessments. And while that does sound like a bad thing, it’s actually a blessing in disguise, due to A] It not really appealing to me during the most recent time that I saw its trailer and B] Its running time (134 minutes) being a hinderance to the two-day, eight-movie marathon. So, given the previous paragraph, I’ve decided to do the following:

  • Move up my since completed evaluation of Aladdin And The King Of Thieves to the wee hours of this morning
  • Start my eight-movie, two-day marathon today
  • Evaluate two movies per day from Friday through Monday
  • Put a movie in place of The Holdovers for the marathon

Yes, that fourth bullet point was something that I decided to do, as I don’t want to play the foreseeable waiting game with The Holdovers DVD. And not only did I make this decision because in addition, I made it beforehand with a movie already in mind. And as to what that movie is, well it’s Disney’s “Fantasia” because I enjoyed watching the various animations that were made (before I was born) during my childhood and I want to re-live those memories during this upcoming marathon. And given that this movie came out during that five-year stretch of when Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Dumbo and Bambi all came out, it (Fantasia) is expected to be one of the six that will round out the eventual group of 11 that will compete for the vacated spot(s) of Saltburn and/or Next Goal Wins.

Well, the day of the marathon is today, so now it’s time to see how all eight movies will fare during these two days.