Back in part 1 of Flicks In The Woods, I mentioned that I will write a blog entry about whether or not the movie Dumb Money will fall victim to The Frandemic, as its airdate will be for this coming October 6. But after doing recent recon for it via Fandango, I realized that I might have to write that entry this coming September 29, as a couple of towns that I’m familiar with in my home state fall under the category of a movie that will be released in limited theaters. And that’s not all because in addition, the limited releases of this coming September 29 are A] 16 days after its early screening of September 13, B] One week after its originally intended United States wide release date of September 22 and C] One week before its new United States wide release date of October 6. So, of course, with most of this paragraph being said, all I can do is quote the late great Vince Lombardi, by asking, “What the hell is going on out here?”. I mean there’s really no point (especially now) for the September 22 United States wide release date to change, due to all of that convolution for United States release dates of that movie. Furthermore, I don’t understand the United States wide release date change for another reason, which is that the main competitor (Drive-Away Dolls) for Dumb Money had its United States wide release date pushed back to February 23 of next year, especially since it (Dumb Money) could have enjoyed a potentially successful opening weekend. I guess that’s what we get for having poor SAG-AFTRA leadership.
Anyways, I’m not sure what the early screening and limited releases are for both the rest of this country and other parts of my state, so I highly suggest that you all do recon for that movie via Fandango if you haven’t already. Especially if you want to know which day that you want to see it theatrically, should you choose to do so.
Tune in either September 29 or October 6 to find out how I will go about my theatrical scouting trip for Dumb Money.